National CyberWatch Center’s Cybersecurity Curriculum Guide: A Complete Solution for Higher Education Institutions
Based on input from the National CyberWatch Curriculum Standards Panels, industry partners, labor market demand research, and over 20 years of content development experience, the National CyberWatch Center’s Cybersecurity Curricula Guide: A Complete Solution for Higher Education Institutions v3, helps schools and the students they serve prepare for the cutting-edge jobs of the skills-based economy. In addition, where appropriate, technical courses have been mapped to effective instructional design practices, cyber range lab exercises, the National Security Agency/Dept. of Homeland Security National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) Knowledge Units (KUs), the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (NIST Special Publication 800-181), and industry competency and capability maturity models.
Updated November 17, 2023