2018-2019 National CyberWatch Annual Report
There are some themes that present themselves as you read through this report: the unparalleled experience of the NCC team; the longevity of many of the NCC programs; the voluminous high-quality output year-over-year, on essentially shoe-string budgets; and the continued growth in numbers of students and faculty, as well as academic member institutions served.
You’ll also hear the powerful stories from those that have benefited from our collective work, and see the ways we are moving the needle towards solving some of our country’s biggest workforce and national security challenges. Answers to questions “What were the results of our work last year?” “What differences did it make?” will be answered.
As the National CyberWatch Center builds on its 14-year foundation of success, there’s tremendous opportunity for a partnered approach that:
- Focuses on creating value through products and services that get applied broadly across various industries
- Continues the sustainability work to position NCC for the long-term
- Expands opportunities for the Center to scale ideas and attract new sources of funding
- Integrates business into the NCC “equation”
- Enhances the unique learning needs to combat ever-changing and damaging attacks on our personal data and critical infrastructure